
Little sister

Little sister

Because of Dragons

Some time into the quarantine of 2020, Monica Flory and I dreamt up a puppetry project we could collaborate on virtually. She wrote a beautiful little story about two sisters reminiscing about the pandemic some time after it is over, and her daughters provided the voice acting. I designed and built the cardboard puppets and sets, then filmed and puppeteered with occasional help from my husband and sons.

We are really interested in what kids' memories of 2020 will look like, especially how they will be shaped by their imaginations and our collective coping mechanisms. Made out of household materials and created in isolation with the assistance of our families, this is a short film both of and about an extraordinary period in our lives.

Watch Because of Dragons on YouTube

Film Fest Laurel.png

Made of Paper

A gothic love story with music and puppets. A spooky Valentine with a Poe crow. A sad and pretty little paper nightmare.

Coming Soon! Support our Kickstarter!


